It's very easy to go over your budget during the holiday season. The money adds up between buying gifts and overspending on fun holiday events. Often, this can put you in a challenging financial situation. When you are drowning in credit card payments, the only thing you want to do is pay it all off. If you are up to …
Are you looking to buy a house? Tips on how to win a real estate bidding war
Demand for housing in Maryland is at an all-time high, but the number of homes available to purchase is still very low. This creates an incredibly competitive market and can often start bidding wars among homebuyers. According to, some homes can get 20 to 30 offers. This can drive up the sales price $50,000 …
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Tips to follow after applying for a mortgage
Are you considering purchasing a home in Maryland in the near future? Then it’s time to brush up on your mortgage knowledge. Learn about the best practices you can take after applying for a mortgage and how you can increase your chances of getting approved. Aside from consulting with your loan officer, avoid these …
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How to get a killer credit score
Having a killer credit score will make getting a mortgage easier and help you get the best mortgage interest rate available. Your credit score is considered one of the most significant indicators used to determine your creditworthiness when applying for a mortgage. Therefore, it can only benefit you to raise your …
House Goals: A guide for the first-time homebuyer
Buying a new home can be overwhelming and exciting. Understanding all that goes into the process will help you get the best deal and have the best mortgage experience. If your goal is to get into a new home soon, we have outlined the steps you need to take to make your dream a reality. Step 1. The Down Payment You …
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How much home can you afford?
Since a home is the most significant financial investment, most people will make in their lives, knowing how much home you can afford upfront contributes greatly to your future success! If you know how much you can afford and have a budget for expenses both planned and unplanned, you will be well ahead of the …